Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Fort Meigs

Today we had a marvelous day with the guide Amber who interpreted the War of 1812. We explored what it was to be like as a soldier here in the wilderness of NW Ohio. Fort Meigs was our first stop of the day. Amber and Tony were our tour interpreters. They did a superb job! The experience was also to educate students about war in Northwest Ohio. Today we saw a real treasure of history and were able, due to Amber and Tony's generosity, touch and hold some history. What was life like in the fort? Would you have wanted to be a soldier in the fort? Considering That Perrysburg was a thriving city at the time the Black Swamp was being settled, why would people want to settle the swamp? What was the driving force that compelled them to sacrifice so much to become farmers and businessmen in the very dangerous Black Swamp?


  1. Today, we went to Fort Meigs. I could learn more about the Ohio war in 1812 detailedly. Today, the guide Amber did not wear a military uniform. That was littlebit missed. Also I was sorry that she got hoarse. And it is likely that living and being a soldier would be exciting. haha~

  2. Today we went to Fort Meigs. I was very interesed and I could learn about the Ohio war detailedly. also did touch a gun. Tony's had a fanciful hat. I wanted to have a fanciful hat.=) Today I was excited time. Thanks =)


  3. I want see another picture haha

  4. Yesterday, we went to Fort Meigs. It is an interesting place, Amber and Tony are both nice!
    they showed shot,that is so cool~~but the gun is so heavy. wow~~

  5. On wednesday,we visited Fort Meigs in Ohio.Amber and Tony told us about war in Northwest Ohio. I Would like wanted to be a soldier in the fort for protecting our land.

  6. I learned Ohio history in Fort Meigs .House, clothing weapons, which have a lots history Significance. May be the black swamp has good solid and it is fit for cultivation, so people settled on there. It is an amazing place.

  7. At sunny and beautiful day me and my friends visited a nice place .we made a great tribe for me I wished my sons were with me. We visited Fort Meigs .It was one of fifty-eight sites within the Ohio Historical Society. Fort Meigs bring fun and education to hundreds of visitors each year. I was very interesting and I could learn about the Ohio war detailed .Amber and Tony told us about war in Northwest Ohio. They are very nice and they were wearing beautiful clothes. The soldier show us how can we use the gun. It was so heavy. I loved the life in the fort. It is different life in the houses, food, Medicine, clothing, education and way of life.

  8. We went to fort meigs . I could learn a bout the Ohio war .Also, I first time touch a gun . It was very heavy . I saw some stuff that used in the war such as clothes's soldier , hat , gun ,and...etc. I don't like to be a soldire in the Fort Meigs because I don't like to hold a gun . Also, I don't like to hear the gun's sound .
